So today started with me having the opportunity to lead our team in devotions at breakfast. We looked at two main points. Firstly, that no matter how simple our message 'God is able' to use it to accomplish His purposes. We looked at the simple eight word message that Jonah preached on his short term mission trip and saw that although He spoke, the people believed God. (Jonah 3:4,5) So He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine! See Ephesians 3:20.
Secondly, I need to have the same attitude as Jesus Christ. That attitude is one of being a servant to all and humbling ourselves to put our own agendas aside. (Philippians 2:5-8) We need to serve in such away that the blessing we have, and the blessings we are to people gives glory to God and brings people to Christ.
After devotions we once again loaded up and headed into Mokopane to three different schools. The smaller team took two smaller schools and worked with all the kids in the school to have a time of Bible Study as well as enjoying shooting bows and arrows with them. It will be an adjustment for all of us coming back to work with our kids. The level of emotion is so high here in the kids! They can hardly wait to try archery and seem so content to shoot just a few arrows. I think sometimes that our North American kids are far more difficult to impress due to all the technology and information overload they are bombarded with. Here the kids are certainly from various social status', but even at the various levels the kids seem to have a better ability to be content and happy on their situation.
I think I will end this entry for now as I can barely keep my eyes opened. It is midnight and we will be up no later than 5:30 AM again to be ready for our day. I will fill you in on some details from our school tomorrow. Good night and God bless!
It's so exciting to read about all the opportunities God is providing for your team!! Lives are being changed thanks to your team's obedience and I know that its not just the kids you are meeting who are being impacted but also each of the team members. That's what I love about how God works, when we are willing to allow God to work through us, it not only blesses those we are working with but also it blesses us. I'm praying that God will continue to use each of your team but that each of you will come home changed because of your experiences.